Press Release: HVAF expands services to Terre Haute
July 10, 2024
Roger That Podcast Ep 21: Meet HVAF’s Community Center Specialist Katie
August 5, 2024Roger That Podcast Ep 20: A Look at HVAF’s Permanent Housing Programs

HVAF is a housing-first organization, that provides so many programs and services to help end veteran homelessness. But what are those programs? You’ll find out about some of those programs today on Roger That, as you’ll meet HVAF Permanent Housing Director Danny. Danny has been with us for 6 years now and has lots to share on our we provide permanent housing and rent & utility assistance to 150-200+ veterans and their families each month. The show notes for this episode can be found on HVAF’s blog. Check out the blog and more information on HVAF: hvaf.org.
Podcast questions? Topic ideas? E-mail Lauren: LVCarpenter@hvaf.org
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Are you a veteran needing help? Contact us today:
Blog post on Danny: https://www.hvafofindiana.org/meet-team-hvaf-permanent-housing-director-danny/
More information on HVAF’s housing programs: https://www.hvafofindiana.org/our-mission/housing/