Roger That Podcast Ep 1: Welcome
July 10, 2023
Roger That Podcast Ep 3: A Conversation with Engagement Coordinator Andrea
July 10, 2023Roger That Podcast Ep 2: A Conversation With Army Veteran Pamela

Welcome to Episode 2 of Roger That!
In this episode of Roger That, Lauren sits down with Army veteran Pamela – to discuss why she needed to reach out for HVAF, how HVAF helped her, and how she wants to give back to her fellow veterans in need.
HVAF’s housing programs: https://www.hvafofindiana.org/our-mission/housing/
Pamela’s original story in 2019: https://www.hvafofindiana.org/hvaf-helps-vet-move-into-her-own-home/
Stand Down: https://www.hvafofindiana.org/142-veterans-attend-hvafs-17th-annual-stand-down/
HVAF’s website: hvaf.org
Follow us on social media: @hvafofindiana
Make a financial, tax-deductible donation: https://www.hvafofindiana.org/donate/