Roger That Ep 16: Military Spouse Appreciation Month
May 21, 2024
Meet Team HVAF: Permanent Housing Director Danny
June 10, 2024Roger That Ep 17: Meet Indiana Representative Renee Pack

A few episodes ago, we shared about our legislative efforts to try to make it illegal for landlords to deny veterans using vouchers for their housing. On that episode, you heard from State Representative Renee Pack. Here is more of her story on serving in the Army, experiencing homelessness, and giving back to her community today.
Podcast questions? Topic ideas? E-mail Lauren: LVCarpenter@hvaf.org
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State Rep. Renee Pack’s biography: https://indianahousedemocrats.org/members/renee-pack/full
HB 1087: https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2024/bills/house/1087/details
Roger That Episode on HB 1087: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rogerthathvaf/episodes/14-We-Must-Protect-Veterans-Using-Vouchers-to-End-Homelessness-e2iar30/a-ab5nf31
Find out which representatives and senators represent your district: https://iga.in.gov/information/find-legislators