Check out our latest stories, events, and the best part of the job: our success stories.
April 8, 2013
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month. What better time to spotlight our HVAF employees as they share, in their own words, their unique volunteer experiences in the community. All month long, we’ll be sharing their stories on the HVAF blog. Meet: Brian Andree. He’s a Case […]
April 4, 2013
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month. What better time to spotlight our HVAF employees as they share, in their own words, their unique volunteer experiences in the community. All month long, we’ll be sharing their stories on the HVAF blog. Meet Rachel Brown. She’s Case Manager […]
April 1, 2013
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month. What better time to spotlight our HVAF employees as they share, in their own words, their unique volunteer experiences in the community. All month long, we’ll be sharing their stories on the HVAF blog. Meet Emmy Hildebrand. She’s HVAF’s Advocacy […]
March 15, 2013
On Thursday, policy makers and advocates met at HVAF of Indiana, Inc. to discuss changes in homeless veterans programs and services. More than a dozen people representing the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) from throughout the country attended the meeting. […]
March 6, 2013
Linda (left) Bob Konieczny (middle) and R.B. (far right) U.S. Marine Corps veteran Ron Collins, known to many as R.B., spent 3 years in the service, and continues to support his fellow veterans today. He served with the 1st Marine Division, and was stationed at […]
March 6, 2013
Linda (left) Bob Konieczny (middle) and R.B. (far right) U.S. Marine Corps veteran Ron Collins, known to many as R.B., spent 3 years in the service, and continues to support his fellow veterans today. He served with the 1st Marine Division, and was stationed at […]
February 18, 2013
House Speaker Brian C. Bosma and Leader Scott Pelath addressed the high military unemployment rate in Indiana from the Statehouse on Tuesday, February 12, 2013. They were joined by Dr. Charles Haenlein, President and CEO of HVAF and Gen. Brian R. Copes, Chief of the […]
February 1, 2013
Will, a former HVAF client, just returned from Austin, Texas, where he spoke about his experiences in a national running program, Back on My Feet, that helped change his life. HVAF of Indiana, Inc. partnered with Back on My Feet in February 2011 and Will […]
January 28, 2013
U.S. Army veteran Stephanie C. has a lengthy commute. The 50-year-old rides the city bus system, and waiting for buses to make their connections creates a 5 hour trip to and from work each day. On Monday morning, Jan. 28, after her overnight shift as […]
January 28, 2013
U.S. Army veteran Stephanie C. has a lengthy commute. The 50-year-old rides the city bus system, and waiting for buses to make their connections creates a 5 hour trip to and from work each day. On Monday morning, Jan. 28, after her overnight shift as […]
January 2, 2013
When Melissa Weathers woke up, it was cold and rainy. Not a good start to the day, she thought. Then her thoughts turned to the homeless veterans who are often faced with great challenges like finding food or a bed to sleep in. Melissa became […]
December 13, 2012
IUPUI graduate students Adriene Tynes and Erin Braun visited HVAF of Indiana, Inc. on a cold evening that left them thinking about veterans without coats, gloves or sweaters. They then learned that up to 500 homeless military veterans were living on the streets of Indianapolis, they […]
December 11, 2012
On Wednesday, five veterans graduated from HVAF’s Residential, Employment, Substance, Abuse, Treatment program, known as REST. The veterans were greeted by several peers and alumni who praised their accomplishments. Army veteran Zach Day who hiked the Appalachian Trail, one of the toughest hiking trails in […]
December 11, 2012
On Wednesday, five veterans graduated from HVAF’s Residential, Employment, Substance, Abuse, Treatment program, known as REST. The veterans were greeted by several peers and alumni who praised their accomplishments. Army veteran Zach Day who hiked the Appalachian Trail, one of the toughest hiking trails in […]
December 11, 2012
On Wednesday, five veterans graduated from HVAF’s Residential, Employment, Substance, Abuse, Treatment program, known as REST. The veterans were greeted by several peers and alumni who praised their accomplishments. Army veteran Zach Day who hiked the Appalachian Trail, one of the toughest hiking trails in […]