Check out our latest stories, events, and the best part of the job: our success stories.

November 1, 2013

HVAF named Simons Bitzer & Associates Contest Winner

We received some exciting news at HVAF! Simons Bitzer & Associates, a locally owned and operated accounting firm in Indianapolis, named HVAF as their winner in their local charity contest. Simons Bitzer was looking for new charities to support and did research on local charities […]
October 31, 2013

IndyCar community to kick-start veterans projects to benefit HVAF

The IndyCar community will honor HVAF veterans this month with a service project that includes hosting several area donation drives (canned good and hygiene items) now through November 9. On November 9, IndyCar crew members and staff will take part in a renovation project at the Jackson […]
October 31, 2013

Help HVAF welcome veterans like Ken with open arms this fall

When HVAF welcomed Ken N. in August, he had nothing. The U.S. Army veteran let alcohol get the best of him. He went from traveling the world with the Army to working full time at several different jobs to being completely homeless with no food, shelter, or transportation. […]
October 30, 2013

Volunteer Spotlight

United Way’s Hardest Hit fund, “HoosierCorps,” assists participants in exchange for giving them opportunities to serve nonprofit organizations in the community. Since July we’ve been lucky to have Vivian Shank, 70, assist HVAF as a HoosierCorps volunteer. Vivian spends 20 hours per week here spending […]
September 30, 2013

Motorcycle ride through northwest Indianapolis helps veterans

A police escorted group of 40 motorcyclists took a scenic route through the northwest side of Indianapolis on September 28. HVAF thanks the following sponsors for the 5th Annual Freedom Ride: Rolling Thunder, Comm Data, Riders Insurance, Fishers Post 470, Vigilantes, Studio 77, GTECH Indiana, […]
September 26, 2013

The Home Depot Foundation Offers Grant and Benefits Veteran

Korean War Veteran Cliff Craig has been married to his wife, Pat, for 60 years. He is legally blind and she is his full-time caregiver. After years of living in their home, their appliances were not working, the flooring was not stable and the home […]
September 26, 2013

9th HVAF Recovery Day event a success

HVAF, along with the REST program, held its 9th annual Recovery Day on September 14th. Recovery Day is a day to celebrate HVAF veterans who are overcoming addictions and to bring the issue of addiction into the spotlight. The event featured guest speakers Marti MacGibbon […]
September 26, 2013

22nd Heartland Film Festival benefits HVAF

Whether you enjoy running or watching a good film, there are several ways to support HVAF. The Heartland films will benefit HVAF this year. Tickets are available for online purchase now through October 26th. The tickets are $9 per person (online) with $2 going to […]
September 26, 2013

Stand Down helps veterans stand up

Ralph McClury receives items at Stand Down Making his way through crowds of veterans lined up for free haircuts, legal assistance and employment advice, Ralph McClury, a former HVAF client, received services and goods he needed.Ralph McClury, a 59-year-old Army veteran and former HVAF client, […]
September 16, 2013

NFL star motivates homeless veterans

It’s not every day that you have a former first round draft pick and three-time NFL Pro-Bowler greet veterans at HVAF of Indiana. On Wednesday, Tarik Glenn, offensive tackle who played for the Indianapolis Colts, shared his on and off-the-field life lessons to more than […]
August 27, 2013

Mentor from past leads veteran to become positive influence

Paul D. Shafer, president of the Packer Collegiate Institute, once said that there is no greater influence for a person than the life of another person worth emulation. James S., 52, U.S. Army veteran, saw this positive influence in the men in uniform who used to visit […]
August 27, 2013

Unique Home Solutions commitment to U.S. veterans

On Saturday, November 9 at 4:00 p.m., Unique Home Solutions, one of the largest home remodeling companies in Indiana, will hold a Pig Roast dinner at Sully’s Bar & Grill to benefit HVAF. The Pig Roast is a culmination of a year-long effort and more […]
August 27, 2013

Local church members raise money for homeless veterans

We don’t know where we’d be without the thousands of dedicated volunteers we’ve had over the years. From serving meals to holding food and clothing drives, volunteers have been vital in the fight against homelessness, poverty, illness, and despair.  Louise Loyd, HVAF Board Member hands […]