Check out our latest stories, events, and the best part of the job: our success stories.
November 22, 2016
Homeless veteran moves out of transitional housing and into her own apartment with support from HVAF
Lannette H., 45, a Birmingham, Ala., native is used to keeping her head above water. She joined the Navy in 1989, unable to swim. Photographed left to right: Alison Hughes, HVAF Case Manager with Lannette H., homeless veteran “I was chatting with recruiters and next […]
November 22, 2016
A Case Manager at HVAF helped connect an Army veteran with the resources she needed after being unemployed for eight months. Anita M. joined the Army when she turned 21 for free room and board and a chance to travel. Two and a half years later […]
November 22, 2016
When Cheri Weisheit’s father, Byron Kent Maxfield “Kent” passed away of pancreatic cancer he had lived in the same house for over 14 years. It was the house where so many memories lived with Thanksgiving and Christmas’ around the dinner table for 28 family members, […]
November 22, 2016
Pam Thacker began volunteering at the young age of 16. To Pam, volunteering was a cornerstone of life – a way to help those going through difficult situations, lift them up, and give them hope. Alongside fellow members of New Hope Presbyterian in Fishers, Ind., Pam […]
October 30, 2016
Employees at Rolls Royce of Indianapolis installed picnic tables for homeless veterans at HVAF. With its outdoor bench seating, veterans at HVAF’s Warman property have a comfortable place to convene when outside. “Giving back and assisting was just a Christian thing to do,” says Kevin […]
October 30, 2016
At 71, West Virginia veteran Clarence B. has experienced more than his fair share of ups and downs since he left the Marines Corps. That he survived, and is now thriving, is testament to his tenacity. It’s also a tribute to a determined network of […]
October 30, 2016
Veteran Michael S. had no idea what life would look like after transitioning out of a career in the military. He knew he had a place in the civilian world, but after serving in a variety of roles in the Army, it wasn’t immediately clear […]
October 30, 2016
Kevin C. was on the brink of becoming chronically homeless. In April 2016, he came to HVAF for help. Born and raised on the near east side of Indianapolis, he joined the U.S. Army in 1979 at the age of 18, and he served for […]
October 30, 2016
Students from IUPUI and Ivy Tech joined forces to paint the women’s clothing pantry at HVAF. The fresh coat of paint brightens up the room which is used to store, sort, and distribute clothing. Ten percent of the veterans HVAF serves are women. On any […]
October 17, 2016
On October 29, American Legion Post 331 will host a Halloween Party to benefit HVAF. View details here: http://hvafofindiana.blogspot.com.
September 22, 2016
Reggie Jefferson, 58, a homeless U.S. Army veteran, was once a professional singer. He relocated to South Beach, Florida in 1994 after his wife passed away. Reggie says he ended up homeless, sleeping on the beach, listening to ocean waves crash before him. His life […]
September 22, 2016
Timothy had the courage to fight back against veteran alcoholism — a personal fight for him. After hitting rock bottom, he rose up and now wants to give back to other veterans. The U.S. Navy veteran says his propensity for alcohol was heightened in the […]
September 22, 2016
Michael H. Rodriques of Simon Construction Group hosted his 50th birthday party in June which in lieu of gifts was a fundraiser for HVAF. He raised close to $1,000. “Veterans issues have been a huge concern for me for a long time,” says Michael. “I […]
August 29, 2016
James at HVAF James Miller has had many titles over the years; husband, U.S. Air Force veteran, volunteer, but there was one title he never thought he would have − homeless. A native of Indianapolis, James moved back home and after enlisting in the U.S. […]
August 26, 2016
In 2014, Terri, 56, walked into HVAF in need of housing. She carried very little; only her DD214 card proving she was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. The card is all she needed. HVAF provided her with a furnished apartment, food, hygiene items […]