Check out our latest stories, events, and the best part of the job: our success stories.
November 13, 2019
When Robert Nietan wanted to find drug recovery, HVAF was there to help. In 1974, 17-year-old Robert Nieten enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. “It was a great experience,” Robert said. “But I had already started abusing drugs and alcohol.” After his time in […]
October 8, 2019
| The best Indianapolis Veterans Day event is coming next month | HVAF’s Operation Alpha is back! Hotel Tango Artisan Distillery‘s Founder & CEO, disabled U.S. Marine Corps veteran Travis Barnes, wanted to create an Indianapolis Veterans Day event. Therefore, he created Operation Alpha […]
October 1, 2019
Rhonda Seward did not know what to do when she became a homeless veteran – but thankfully she went to HVAF. Called to Serve Before her time receiving help from HVAF, United States Army veteran Rhonda Seward sacrificed and served her country for 22 years. […]
October 1, 2019
After overcoming eviction this past summer, Marine veteran Leslie says Indianapolis non profit HVAF is a miracle! From small town to Marine Corps From 2006 to 2010, Leslie Vanover served as an administrative clerk for the United States Marine Corps. “I was living in […]
August 16, 2019
The Indiana Department of Revenue continues to donate their time, talent, and treasure to support HVAF’s homeless veterans. They work with HVAF’s Volunteer Coordinator Audrey Hopkins Long to best serve Indy’s homeless veterans. One way in particular is improving one of HVAF’s housing properties. They have […]
August 2, 2019
Because we are a non-profit, HVAF has many generous and loving supporters in the community who hold events to give back to the veterans. A delicious deal The most interesting (and delicious) fundraising event? A hoagie eating contest. This past summer, locals participated in […]
July 31, 2019
Army veteran and former homeless vet Whitney Hamilton found July to be a monumental month. At age 63, he became a first-time homeowner! But this was not an easy journey for Whitney. When the addiction began “About 1985 … when the cocaine era was […]
June 28, 2019
In 1980, Autumn Rush enlisted in the United States Army as a medic. “I grew up in a town where there weren’t a lot of jobs available, and I didn’t go to college right out of high school,” Autumn said. “So I decided to […]
June 3, 2019
Here at HVAF, we cannot do what we do alone. Thankfully, we have several community partners such as VOA, Veterans Affairs, and the Gene B. Glick Company…. and together, we all were able to serve and house Marine veteran Michael Holliday. Find out more […]
May 6, 2019
In 1985, right after high school graduation, Pamela Coleman decided to enlist in the U.S. Army. She wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps, and be able to grow as a person. Pamela served for six years as a military police officer. She said her […]
April 17, 2019
When you picture downtown Indy, what do you see? Delicious restaurants? Hip music venues? Entertaining street performers? Monument Circle? What about any homeless camps- or as they are usually called, tent cities? All throughout downtown Indy, in places you would have no idea, homeless camps […]
March 29, 2019
In 1968, Troy Rivers enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and served for four years. When he got out of the military, he said he had zero guidance. This led him to getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. Several times throughout the years […]
February 28, 2019
In 1990, 17-year-old Antonio Johnson enlisted in the United States Navy soon after he graduated from high school. During his time in the Navy, he traveled around the world twice, served on two aircraft carriers, and supervised his fellow shipmates. After he got out of […]
January 31, 2019
In 1990, Jimmy Potts joined the United States Navy. Starting at the Naval Station Great Lakes in Illinois for his training and education, Jimmy went on to serve for six years— being a part of Desert Shield and serving for eight months in Iraq for […]
November 30, 2018
It keeps getting better and better: this year, we were able to raise more than $37,000 at Operation Alpha. 5,000 more than last year! The evening was full of tasty cocktails, delicious food, live music, auction bidding and much more. “I am deeply grateful for the strong relationship […]