Check out our latest stories, events, and the best part of the job: our success stories.
June 22, 2021
Navy veteran Michael used to wake up at 3 AM every day for work! “I’m up at 3 in order to catch the bus at 4:40,” Michael said. “I get to work at about 6:10.” Michael works as a cook for a senior care facility. […]
June 19, 2021
On Thursday, June 17, President Joe Biden signed into law the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act. HVAF’s office will be closed Monday, June 21, to celebrate this momentous day. Here are a few words from our President & CEO, Brian Copes: Happy Juneteenth! I echo […]
June 8, 2021
Below is a message from our Rapid Rehousing Coordinator, Lauren, on how she serves our veterans and how you can help her team: Who I am My name is Lauren Mardis and I am a proud HVAF employee and new coordinator for the Rapid Re-Housing […]
June 8, 2021
Below are sentiments from our President & CEO, Brian Copes, as we look ahead to the upcoming patriotic season: Some thoughts on Flag Day. I was raised to respect the flag and memorized the Pledge of Allegiance, but I don’t think I ever really appreciated […]
June 7, 2021
Tough reality of life after war After serving in the military for 10 years, Army veteran Andre felt ready for civilian life. Although people tried to help him with his transition out of the military, he thought he didn’t need any help. “You are stubborn […]
June 3, 2021
According to Veterans Affairs, 1.7 million Veterans received treatment in a VA mental health specialty program in 2018. And we know many of the veterans we serve here in Indianapolis battle mental health challenges every single day. At HVAF, we are making strides to address this, such […]
June 3, 2021
According to Veterans Affairs, 1.7 million Veterans received treatment in a VA mental health specialty program in 2018. And we know many of the veterans we serve here in Indianapolis battle mental health challenges every single day. At HVAF, we are making strides to address […]
June 1, 2021
When our veterans come to HVAF‘s pantry, they are bound to see a familiar face or two. That’s because we are so blessed to have several dedicated volunteers who have helped in our pantry for years. Two of those volunteers are 13-year volunteer, Becky, and […]
May 10, 2021
Earlier this year, we received the good news of being named one of Indiana’s Best Places to Work! All companies that participated in the 2021 Best Places to Work program receive an in-depth evaluation identifying strengths and weaknesses according to their employees. We are especially […]
April 28, 2021
Thanks to a local attorney and the American Legion Department of Indiana, one of our veterans received a FREE car! Indianapolis attorney Kevin Alerding reached out to the Legion and asked about a veteran who needs a means of transportation. After asking HVAF, case manager […]
April 21, 2021
Introducing Kascha, LCSW! Being part of Team HVAF The day after she officially became a Licensed Social Worker, Kascha received a job offer for HVAF. Six years later, she still loves being a part of Team HVAF! Working for veterans means a lot to Kascha. […]
April 19, 2021
Starting over In the beginning of 2020, Army National Guard veteran JaMarlon found himself starting his life over. After being incarcerated for all of 2019, he needed help finding a home and a job. While in jail, he first heard about HVAF as a resource […]
April 19, 2021
Husband and wife Diane and Mike Norton are current HVAF volunteers and former veterans. Diane, a Navy veteran, and Mike, an Air Force veteran, met on a blind date while stationed in Las Vegas. “We hit it off, and we’ve been married for almost 34 […]
April 5, 2021
When deciding where to volunteer, sisters Jen and Carolyn knew they wanted to volunteer at a veterans organization. Carolyn looked through an e-mail that listed volunteer opportunities, and one organization caught her eye: Helping Veterans And Families. The reason to volunteer for a veterans organization […]
April 1, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Indianapolis – HVAF – Helping Veterans And Families – has received a grant of $4.7 million from Lilly Endowment Inc. through its initiative, Enhancing Opportunity in Indianapolis. The grant will support HVAF’s Employment Program and will partner with Downtown Indy. HVAF is […]