Message from the CEO: 2023 PIT Count Results show a 9% increase in veteran homelessness in Indy
July 11, 2023
Roger That Podcast Ep 4: VetWorks
July 17, 2023Meet Team HVAF: Transition in Place (TIP) Case Manager Sarah

We’ve been grateful to have Sarah on #TeamHVAF for 1 year now! She serves as a case manager for veterans on the Transition in Place (TIP) team. With the TIP program, veterans move into their own apartment and HVAF holds the lease. The veteran assumes the lease after our case managers help them overcome barriers in order to reach self-sufficiency.
“My job is to walk alongside the veterans as they try to get through this crisis episode that they’re in,” Sarah said.
Find out more about Sarah and her important role for Hoosier Heroes: