Roger That Ep 13: Meet HVAF Board Member & Supporter Jesse Camacho
April 1, 2024
Roger That Ep 14: We Must Protect Veterans Using Vouchers to End Homelessness
April 15, 2024Meet Team HVAF: Employment Specialist Brett

Brett joined Team HVAF at the beginning of this year, and we’re so happy to have him! Get to know Brett and why he is excited to serve Hoosier Heroes:
Q: Tell us about your time in the military – What branch did you serve in? What did you do?
A: I was an infantry (11C) paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division, US Army. I served as a mortar section sergeant, and I made 30 jumps over three years. I guess my claim to fame there was that I shot top in Brigade with the 9mm two years in a row. Go figure!
Q: Why did you decide to work for HVAF?
A: I taught for about twenty years, but COVID shut down the university I had been teaching at for the last 4 years, so I returned to the U.S. and began searching for a new career. I thought I was going to pivot to a career in tech, but after 10 months on a help desk job I decided that it wasn’t really for me. When I was made aware of this opportunity, I jumped at it!
Q: How has your experience at HVAF been so far?
A: It’s been terrific. It’s a great place to work. I’m constantly blown away by the dedication and competence of my co-workers. And I only live two blocks away, so I can walk to work. Which is a bonus!
Q: What does it mean to you to be able to serve your fellow veterans?
A: It means a great deal to me. The VA threw me a couple of lifelines when I returned from living in Thailand, and I’ll always be grateful for that. So, I am happy to be able to put that gratitude into action by giving a little back.
Q: When you are not working, where can we find you?
A: These days I spend a lot of time writing and recording an Innocence Project podcast. It’s sort of a True Crime/Serial sort of thing. I hope to be able to drop the first episode by the fall. So, stay tuned!!