Check out our veterans’ vision boards!
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June 7, 2021Meet HVAF’s first-ever therapist!
According to Veterans Affairs, 1.7 million Veterans received treatment in a VA mental health specialty program in 2018.
And we know many of the veterans we serve here in Indianapolis battle mental health challenges every single day. At HVAF, we are making strides to address this, such as recently hiring a full-time therapist.
Pamela Arias, LCSW, is a New York native and has lived in Indianapolis since 2014. She has a background of more than 10 years of working with individuals wanting to improve their mental health. Pamela’s focus in therapy is helping the client envision a version of themselves that fosters peace, independence, and success.
Find out more about HVAF’s new therapist, as well as why mental health needs to be addressed with our veterans and how you can be a better ally for those battling mental health: