HVAF’s Andrea Carlile: My HVAF Christmas Experience
January 25, 2022
Message from the CEO: HVAF urges Congress to pass the Equality Act
February 8, 2022HVAF’s Veterans Villa gives Daniel the camaraderie he missed from the Army

Daniel served as a medic and respiratory therapist from 1996-2010. After getting out of the military, Daniel felt lost without the camaraderie of his fellow soldiers.
In 2020, sadly he went through a divorce and found himself homeless. Thankfully since July 2020, he has had a roof under his head… thanks to HVAF’s Permanent Supportive Housing: Veterans Villa.
“April (Daniel’s Case Manager) has helped me out a whole lot. At one point I didn’t have any money or a phone or anything like that, so she was taking all of my calls and all of that stuff too,” Daniel said. “Making sure I was getting communication with the VA, and everything else I needed to do.”
He said he is very thankful for all of April’s help these last 1.5 years.
“Daniel has shown so much improvement since he started this program. When he came he was rather depressed and having some real struggles and some barriers that were pretty gigantic,” April said. “He felt comfortable enough to share those things so we were able to tag team and really work to solve a lot of his issues that weren’t his fault even. And that took a lot of weight off his back and allowed him to focus on his future.”