HVAF provides food to Indy’s homeless camps
April 17, 2019
HVAF and community partners worked together to house homeless veteran
June 3, 2019HVAF is helping Army vet set, accomplish goals

In 1985, right after high school graduation, Pamela Coleman decided to enlist in the U.S. Army.
She wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps, and be able to grow as a person.
Pamela served for six years as a military police officer. She said her time in the military helped her to know how to be independent and dependent: independent as she learned to do things on her own, but also learned it was important to be dependent on others at times.
Last January, Pamela came to HVAF. She said she had recently been laid off from her job, and she also wanted to be with other veterans.
“I had heard about the program and I was looking to better myself,” she said.
Since coming to HVAF, Pamela said she has received help on work, social security disability, VA disability, and housing. She said thanks to many others in the community, she has received lots of help.
“When I started here, I didn’t have too many goals or know where I was supposed to go,” Pamela said. “HVAF has really helped me to accomplish my goals.”
She also said she loves being at HVAF because of the special perks: free haircuts, spa days, a hospitality room where she can watch movies with other veterans, a computer lab where she can work on her resume, and the yummy cookouts.
She said the case managers at the HVAF apartment she lives at, Manchester, have taken great care of her. She gave special shout outs to her case manager, Amanda, and to Doneeka, Jasmine, and Tisha.
“They really take the time to set up our rooms… and they take care of us,” Pamela said. “They do anything that can help us feel better about ourselves with the situations that are going on with us.”
Pamela highly recommends HVAF to any veteran: whether they are homeless, about to lose their home, or just need someone to talk to.
“I want to thank everyone for the opportunities that they have given us. It makes us (me) feel better: as a woman, a veteran, a mother, a sister, a daughter,” Pamela said. “Sometimes it’s overwhelming, and when you know that you have a place where you don’t have to worry about being kicked out, and you have a food pantry, clothes pantry, anything you need… HVAF has really given us the opportunity to be a person, as well as a vet.”