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March 12, 2024HVAF is celebrating Women’s History Month

March means it’s Women’s History Month! Thank you to HVAF’s Diversity Committee for the following information:
Women’s History Month celebrates women’s contributions to history, culture, and society, without which our understanding of the world is woefully incomplete.
Women’s History Week was first observed in 1978, gaining President Jimmy Carter’s support in 1980, followed by a Congressional proclamation a year later. In 1987, Congress extended the observance to a month, and it has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States ever since.
Women’s critical contributions to our nation’s history stretch back to the beginning, including Abigail Adams to Susan B Anthony, and Sojourner Truth to Rosa Parks. Today’s history is being constructed by women in the highest positions of power and authority: as CEOs (15% of the Fortune 500), as members of Congress (28% of the 118th Congress), and as members of the President’s Cabinet, including for the first time, the Office of the Vice President.
It is also Gender Equality Month. Gender equality commonly refers to a condition in which people share the same rights, status, and opportunities in society regardless of gender. Here at HVAF, 13.7% of the veterans we serve identify as female, and <1% of the veterans we serve identify as transgender. Today, and every day, we are proud to serve ALL veterans and their families