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November 30, 2017HVAF honors Don Moreau, Sr.

The life and legacy of one of the founders of HVAF and its first CEO, Col. (ret.) Donald W. Moreau, Sr., was honored Sept. 27 at a memorial service in the Pershing Auditorium of the Indiana War Memorial. Col. Moreau died Aug. 23 at age 89. His obituary can be accessed here.
The service was conducted with military honors, which included the Military Department of Indiana Ceremonial Unit Color Guard and the playing of “Taps.” Speakers included Indiana National Guard Assistant Adjutant General Timothy Thombleson and Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett.
The Mayor declared September 27 “The Legacy of Col. Donald W. Moreau, Sr. Day” in Indianapolis through a proclamation that noted Col. Moreau’s 28 years in the military, 18 years of service to the State of Indiana, and receiving a Sagamore of the Wabash from eight Indiana governors.
In that spirit, HVAF Board Chair Trent Sandifur and CEO Brian Copes announced the creation of The Colonel Donald W. Moreau, Sr. Legacy Fund to support the Moreau House, currently home to 30 formerly homeless veterans. The Fund is approaching $50,000 in donations, which includes a $10,000 gift from the Indianapolis Foundation.
Col. Moreau will be interred in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors on March 16, 2018.