HVAF stars in ISAE awards night
December 30, 2017
Indiana Podiatry Group rocks our socks!
January 31, 2018HVAF employees receive LCSW

As a way to further themselves in the social work field, HVAF case managers Mark Lykins and Brian Andree have recently earned the Licensed Clinical Social Worker title.
Both social workers received their master’s degree in social work, obtained their LSW licensure through an exam and then went through two years of supervision at HVAF before taking the LCSW exam.
“Being an LCSW means you can start your own practice and you are able to bill insurance companies,” Brian said. “It also makes you more marketable because it shows you have experience in the field of social work.”
Brian, a clinical coordinator at HVAF’s scattered sites, passed the LCSW exam last December.
“To a social worker, getting the LCSW is pretty much one of the biggest accomplishments they can obtain in their career. It takes years of study, testing and supervision to achieve licensure,” Brian said.
Mark, who is the coordinator for HVAF’s SSVF program, earned his LCSW last May.
“Once you’ve obtain an LCSW there’s a certain competence level that is at least implied. A lot of the issues that our clients are facing are rooted in a combination of addiction, mental health, and systemic barriers,” Mark said. “The LCSW measures your ability to work within that realm. It doesn’t mean you have to have an LCSW to do what we do, but it helps.”