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September 3, 2024Engaging with Andrea: 68 veterans & families had a blast at our summer carnival!

68 veterans and their families had the best day filled with face painting, karaoke, yummy food, and fun games at HVAF’s Second Annual Veteran Engagement Committee Carnival. In just one year, the attendance tripled and with that, we introduced new games, ideas, and giveaways!
As the Community Engagement Coordinator for HVAF, it is always exciting to be able to connect our wonderful community supporters with the needs of our veteran families. This year, we were able to do this with our backpack giveaway. As a committee, we decided to provide every child with a customized backpack filled with the school supplies they needed to start the school year off strong.
Thanks to the very generous and immediate donation from the American Legion Post & Auxiliary 500, the committee was able to purchase over $900 worth of school supplies! We gave away 55 backpacks and relieved the parents of the burden of providing these for their children. Thank you Post 500 for being a life saver for these families!
It is always rewarding to see firsthand the impact being made on veteran families because of HVAF! A family had just entered one of our housing programs and heard about the carnival. They were staying in a hotel and had no transportation. Without hesitation, a staff member volunteered to take our newly donated vehicle, given by a WWII veteran, and go pick them up. It is hard to accept that a purple heart veteran who served six deployments was homeless with his wife and two kids.
Because of HVAF’s wrap-around services, they now have housing, food, a dedicated case manager, and access to mental health and employment services. And here were their kids, playing games, enjoying a great meal, and leaving with backpacks at our carnival! If you ever wonder if the investment you give is being used wisely, this family is just one of many who are impacted by your support of our life-changing programs and services!
There are many others who helped make this day a success! Thank you to the 17 staff members of the Veteran Engagement Committee who donated, planned, and volunteered at the event. Thank you to our CEO, Emmy Hildebrand, and all the community volunteers who made the day possible! And a huge thank you to the friends, children, and grandchildren who also spent their day with us being face painters, grilling hot dogs and burgers, and passing out cotton candy. Lastly, much appreciation to all who donated food, prizes, and games!
If you are interested in supporting the Veteran Engagement Committee, please contact me at 765-425-3366 or acarlile@hvaf.org. If you would like to be a part of helping HVAF and making an impact in the lives of the veterans and their families we serve, donate today!