HVAF and Amazon Smile
April 21, 2014HVAF shows its appreciation for volunteers
May 1, 2014Employment spotlight
Earma Andrews known to the veterans at HVAF as “Mother Earma” is teary-eyed when she talks about her 15 years working at HVAF. She will be retiring in January 2015, as a Residential Assistant (RA) at the Manchester Apartments which is one of HVAF’s 15 housing properties. Only 8 people worked alongside Earma when she began. Now there is 62 employees on staff.
Earma Andrews |
“The organization has come a long way and we have more housing for our homeless veterans and that’s a good thing,” says Erma proudly.
She spent 20 years in the U.S. Army as a Staff Sergeant and traveled to Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. She was tasked with casualty reporting.
“It was hard work and I was glad to come home after serving my country and work for an organization that supports veterans,” says Earma.