HVAF thanks our Operation Alpha 2023 Sponsors!
November 6, 2023
WTTS Rock to Feed is benefitting HVAF
November 13, 2023Emmy’s Media Tour!

If you watch the local news or follow us on social media, you’ve probably seen Emmy’s face more than usual recently.
We are so grateful for our local reporters and media as they are always eager to share HVAF’s story & mission with the community!
Check out Emmy’s recent “media tour” the last few weeks:
1st Stop: WRTV
The tour started on November 1 with a live segment on WRTV. Emmy, along with Hotel Tango Director of Production & Compliance & HVAF Board Secretary Ginger Barnes, chatted about the 10th Annual Operation Alpha.
2nd & 3rd Stop: FOX59
The next day, Emmy joined Joe Wootton on FOX59 to talk about the 5th Annual Indy Brew Battle. 100% of the proceeds from the event go to HVAF – thanks to Joe and the Indiana Brewers Union Homebrew Club.
A few days later, Emmy was back at FOX59’s studios, but this time with Hotel Tango Cofounder & CEO Travis Barnes. They came together to talk about Operation Alpha.
4th Stop: WTTS
Emmy switched it up on this stop and instead on being on TV, she had a radio interview. WTTS is having their Rock to Feed event on November 24th at the Vogue, where the concert will benefit HVAF. Emmy spoke with WTTS DJ Matt Pelsor about how their support will make a big difference for local veterans in need.
5th Stop: WISH-TV
And last but not least, Emmy ended the media tour at WISH-TV! Again with Travis, they talked about the 10th Annual Operation Alpha, happening that evening.
WISH also stopped by HVAF a few weeks ago to interview Emmy for their Veterans Day Special. We absolutely love how they shared our story! Check it out:
And there are 3 other media stories we are excited to share with you all!
FOX59’s Lindy Thackston shared a sweet, inspiring story of our veteran, Kyla, and her bond with HVAF case manager, Anne:
Camike Jones at the Indianapolis Recorder did a wonderful job gathering and sharing information on Indianapolis’ veterans, and included how HVAF is here to help:
And thank you to Violet Comber-Wilen for sharing the great work HVAF does for veterans on Indiana Public Radio. We loved reading and listening to this!
We also want to give a S/O to WIBC’s Rob Kendall! Not only does he invite Emmy on the air to share HVAF’s updates, but he was our Celebrity Guest for the Breeders Crown Charity Challenge. His support helped us WIN the challenge and receive $84k+ for our veterans!
Thank you again to Indianapolis’ media for sharing HVAF’s story with the community. It means so much that others want to join our mission and support our Hoosier Heroes!