Once homeless, veteran now serves others
August 29, 2016Veteran learns to combat alcoholism
September 22, 2016Donor spotlight

“Veterans issues have been a huge concern for me for a long time,” says Michael. “I often reflect on the sacrifice veterans have made (and continue to make) for us to secure the lifestyle, freedom and culture we enjoy in this country and we don’t do enough to support them after they return from often horrific experiences.”
Michael then decided to volunteer at HVAF in the food pantry, sorting and stocking donations.
His help didn’t stop there.
To help promote and raise awareness for the 12thannual Veteran Stand Down hosted by HVAF his company sponsored billboard advertisements at a value of $1,500.
Additionally, Michael is working with HVAF employment specialists to place qualified veterans in positions available throughout the SIMON portfolio.
“There is no reason with the resources available to us that any veteran should be left behind,” adds Michael. “We, as a collective community, need to do a better job of supporting them.”
Michael says his goal is to continue to help HVAF in any way he can.