Supporters Archives | Page 21 of 22 | HVAF
August 2, 2017

Veteran receives employment assistance at HVAF

Eddie planned to go to college and play football after high school, but a combination of things quickly changed his mind. Edde instead joined the Marine Corps and served from 1982 – 1985 as a Marine Guard in Concord, CA. Several members of Eddie’s family […]
November 30, 2017

High schooler trick-or-treats for veterans

When thinking about Halloween, most kids look forward to getting lots of different candy when going trick-or-treating with friends. But that is not the same story for 15-year-old Natalie Cash. Instead of going door-to-door and collecting candy, she collected canned goods and other non-perishable items to give […]
April 30, 2018

IU frats “Face Off” for our veterans

Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, and eight other Indiana University fraternities faced off this weekend to benefit HVAF. Face Off For the Forces, which started in 2014, is a lacrosse tournament to benefit military organizations. Beta Theta Pi and Sigma Chi lead the tournament and […]
May 31, 2018

Indianapolis Rotary Club packs backpacks for veterans

As a way to carry out their motto “Service Above Self,” the Indianapolis Rotary Club packed backpacks for Indianapolis’ homeless veteran population. Last year, they packed 144 backpacks, and packed 180 this year! HVAF was also blessed to have Senator Joe Donnelly come to HVAF […]
October 31, 2018

Home Depot Foundation makes improvements to HVAF’s home for homeless veteran

The Home Depot Foundation has continuously helped us over the last 11 years. Some of the projects include redoing our conference room and transforming our old bunk room to a well-functioning pantry for our outreach hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Last week, the team came out […]
August 2, 2019

HVAF receives lots of support from Hoagies & Hops

Because we are a non-profit, HVAF has many generous and loving supporters in the community who hold events to give back to the veterans.   A delicious deal The most interesting (and delicious) fundraising event? A hoagie eating contest.   This past summer, locals participated in […]
August 16, 2019

Indiana DOR supports Indy’s homeless veterans

The Indiana Department of Revenue continues to donate their time, talent, and treasure to support HVAF’s homeless veterans.   They work with HVAF’s Volunteer Coordinator Audrey Hopkins Long to best serve Indy’s homeless veterans. One way in particular is improving one of HVAF’s housing properties. They have […]
October 8, 2019

Indianapolis Veterans Day event coming next month

| The best Indianapolis Veterans Day event is coming next month | HVAF’s Operation Alpha is back!   Hotel Tango Artisan Distillery‘s Founder & CEO, disabled U.S. Marine Corps veteran Travis Barnes, wanted to create an Indianapolis Veterans Day event. Therefore, he created Operation Alpha […]