Supporters Archives | Page 17 of 22 | HVAF
March 14, 2016

Navy veteran’s financial struggles at home

Gary at HVAF Many veterans return from serving in the military to face enormous financial burdens. Gary T., 52, is no different. In the mid-80’s he joined the U.S. Navy and worked as a Radar Operator managing tactical and navigational charts. After serving, he moved […]
March 16, 2016

Iowa students lend a helping hand at HVAF

Iowa State University’s Greek Alternative Spring Break students had the opportunity to volunteer at HVAF of Indiana. Members tied their experiences to their fraternal values through a series of visits to not-for-profits across Central Indiana. Twenty members volunteered on March 16 to paint the American flag […]
March 25, 2016

Veterans at HVAF collect water for residents of Flint, Michigan

A wide range of groups are currently collecting or helping to bring water to needy residents in Flint, Michigan where 100,000 residents have no clean drinking water due to lead-contamination. Veterans in HVAF’s Vet2Vet group have teamed up with Dollar General #6874 to collect bottled […]
March 25, 2016

Indianapolis veteran overcomes physical and emotional challenges

Lamont at HVAF Lamont is a four-year Navy veteran who served on six deployments. As a shipping and receiving clerk he was stationed in Norfolk, Virginia. When his service ended, Lamont struggled to find work. In 1987, he was hired at G&G Metal Spinners where he […]
April 28, 2016

Robert’s Success Story at HVAF

From the front door to the mailbox, it’s easy to take keys for granted. Until you don’t have them. “Homeless people don’t need keys very much. There’s not too much that you have to unlock.” And that was the case for Robert M., when the […]
April 28, 2016

Cheer for HVAF

  Frank Islas is a member of the UAW Local 933 veterans’ community. In the past this group has held various food and hygiene drives for HVAF. In February, the UAW Greater Marion County Cap Council approached Frank along with UAW Racing to propose holding […]
April 28, 2016

Scott’s Story – HVAF veteran impact

A grassy spot along Shadeland Avenue and 38th Street was once home to Scott S. until a concerned passerby decided to give the veteran a needed hand up. Before the help, he bounced around, staying at hotels and on the streets after his service in the […]
May 27, 2016

Veteran escapes despair, finds dream job

Tim, 57, joined the Army in 1978 because he wanted to try something new. He had previously been working at the YMCA in Peru, Indiana, and he hoped to find some adventure and value in serving his country. His father and his two stepfathers had […]