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January 2, 2015

Self-portraits of veterans at HVAF

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…or so the saying goes. But, a self-portrait left many homeless veterans speechless. For some, it was a first time posing for a professional photograph. More than a decade had passed since Whitney, 59, and his family […]
February 2, 2015

Veteran Provided a “Fresh Start”

Wayne at HVAF For Wayne H., 56, getting out of the credit card hole was not easy. “I made poor choices like purchasing a new car,” says Wayne. “The interest payments became too high and I got way over my head…I basically owed $9,000 on […]
February 2, 2015

Grant helps HVAF veterans in recovery

In January, the REALTOR® Foundation presented HVAF with a check for $6,000 to support our Residential, Employment, Substance Abuse Treatment (REST) program. REST is a recovery-dynamics based supportive housing program. The program’s goal is to maintain sobriety while obtaining employment and permanent housing while veterans receive […]
February 25, 2015

HVAF program helps Indiana veteran get help paying past debts

There was a time Dorian planned on saving and building his nest egg and a time when he accepted the sacrifice and served our country as a member of the U.S. Army. The pay, benefits and tuition assistance appealed to the young recruit, now forty, […]
February 25, 2015

Volunteers renovate home for six veterans

On February 25, thirty Team Depot volunteers renovated HVAF’s Lyter House, a transitional home for six veterans. Volunteers installed flooring, cabinets, countertops and appliances as well as painted several rooms. The new floor plan of the kitchen makes the space more usable.   HVAF houses more than 200 […]
March 30, 2015

Veterans at HVAF benefit from company meet and greet

Lowe’s Meet and Greet at HVAF Five Lowe’s Home Improvement Store call center employees visited HVAF on Friday, March 13, for a meet and greet with veterans who are interested in working for the company at its new call center located on the west side […]
March 30, 2015

Resume preparation workshop for veterans at HVAF

Veterans or military spouses have worlds of knowledge and experience, but may need practice depicting these skills in a resume. On March 12, HVAF held its second resume preparation workshop at its Moreau property and veterans gathered to learn how they can improve their resume. […]
May 4, 2015

Mouth mobile helps veterans

His dreams of the big time had all but faded after two decades of hard luck, homelessness and substance abuse. Then, the 56-year-old piano player and Sergeant of the Marine Corps found hope in an unlikely place: Indianapolis. His music career had picked up in Indy […]