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November 10, 2014

Former HVAF leader inducted into Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame

Colonel Donald W. Moreau Sr. (USA-ret.), HVAF former President/CEO and board member,  was among sixteen veterans to be honored in the inaugural class of the Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame (IMVHOF) on November 7, 2014. His distinguished military career and civil services spans almost seven […]
November 11, 2014

Veteran recounts four years of recovery

Ralph at HVAF Ralph with recovery coins Ralph had $1.35 in his bank account. Then, things took a turn for the worse. On October 15, he shared his experiences in front of a room of homeless veterans at HVAF. Two years ago Ralph was a […]
November 11, 2014

Veteran recounts four years of recovery

Ralph at HVAF Ralph with recovery coins Ralph had $1.35 in his bank account. Then, things took a turn for the worse. On October 15, he shared his experiences in front of a room of homeless veterans at HVAF. Two years ago Ralph was a […]
November 25, 2014

Jesse’s Story

Jesse at HVAF Jesse’s approach to life is simple; keep moving. The 52-year-old Air Force veteran says he started drinking heavily after his marriage ended and without a job or income he became homeless but his spirits remained high. “Where there seems to be no […]
November 25, 2014

A Homeless Female Veteran’s Journey to Take Back Her Life

Leah T. thinks about her struggles — the two years she was alone and homeless — and the long suffering in silence from the verbal abuses she endured in the US Army. It’s a trigger – the memory of the abuse, she explained – that […]
December 30, 2014

Formerly homeless veteran’s cooking inspiration

Those years of service as a US Navy cook are still at the top of Pamela’s mind, and decades later the 56-year-old is back at it cooking meals for family and friends. In her spare time she enjoys dishing up fried chicken and fried potatoes […]
December 30, 2014

Staffing company gives back to veterans at HVAF

Toys, TV’s and a truck load of gift bags filled with hygiene items were delivered and distributed  to HVAF for three veteran families this year. It was all part of PME Enterprises’ annual Christmas giving program. Ralph M. was a recipient of the gifts. He […]
December 30, 2014

Law firm gives back to veterans at Christmas

Barnes & Thornburg has regularly adopted a family in need at Christmastime. This year, the law firm’s attorneys and employees decided that, in addition to adopting a family, they wanted to provide a happier Christmas for others in Indianapolis. Their thoughts went immediately to the […]