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June 29, 2015

HVAF’s 22nd Annual Meeting

On June 18, board members, staff and clients attended HVAF’s 22nd Annual Meeting to recognize the achievements and advancements HVAF has made in improving the lives of the homeless veterans we serve. The meeting was held at the Indiana War Memorial. Three faith-based organizations were […]
July 9, 2015

Success in numbers – HVAF employment services

Hiring veterans is good for business. Reports show that hiring veterans is good for companies. Veterans offer versatility. They are accustomed to policies and structure but can adapt to dynamic workplace situations and their leadership and teamwork abilities often outpace their civilian coworkers and they […]
July 27, 2015

Reluctant veteran embraces help to end his homelessness – Billy’s story

The Challenge Billy A., 34, is one of a dozen veterans at HVAF participating in a new 4-part series budgeting class held by Corrine Harvey, a licensed clinical social worker along with MSW Intern MacKenzie Maloney. Topics ranged from money management to avoiding pitfalls veterans face as […]
July 27, 2015

Crossing Iowa for a cause

Jack finishes RAGBRAI Jack Wickes’ story of cycling more than 462 miles across the state of Iowa during RAGBRAI –  the Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride garnered both national and local news coverage on AOL.com, NPR, WQAD in the Quad Cities area of West-Central Illinois and Eastern Iowa,FOX59, CBS4 […]
July 27, 2015

HVAF employment services make strides in finding jobs for veterans

From January 2015 – July 2015, one hundred and fourteen veterans who rely on HVAF services and programs were hired by fifteen employers. These employers are committed to hiring veterans.                       Robert H., a retired United States Army veteran with 20 years of service was […]
July 27, 2015

Two homeless veterans share special friendship

Jim and Paul (From left to right) A single day’s work can be transformative for any veteran, especially one fighting his way back from homelessness. Paul M., 52, knows this because he is a veteran and was once in need of not only a well-paying […]
August 31, 2015

Jason’s Story

Army veteran Jason K. has held a lot of jobs in his life – oil technician, construction worker, pipeline inspector and security. But the 26-year-old father of two said he “was tired of living paycheck to paycheck.” Jason at HVAF “It’s just good to finally […]
August 31, 2015

Fletcher Place veteran owned business to hold fundraiser for HVAF

Join us this Veterans Day, 11/11, at Hotel Tango for Operation Alpha 2015 A Benefit for HVAF. Your ticket purchase of $35 includes one specialty drink, a light meal, music and good conversation with friends while supporting HVAF’s work in returning homeless veterans to self-sufficiency.  Order tickets […]