Sponsors Archives | Page 4 of 16 | HVAF
October 30, 2014

Warm coats: A Welcome Gift for Homeless Veterans

Last year, Indianapolis witnessed record cold temperatures. Many homeless veterans were shivering outside, not wearing warm clothing. EnviroForensics, full-service environmental engineering firm, had to do something.Employees organized the 3rd annual “Coat Drive for HVAF” and was supported by Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP. Donors dropped […]
November 10, 2014

Former HVAF leader inducted into Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame

Colonel Donald W. Moreau Sr. (USA-ret.), HVAF former President/CEO and board member,  was among sixteen veterans to be honored in the inaugural class of the Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame (IMVHOF) on November 7, 2014. His distinguished military career and civil services spans almost seven […]
November 25, 2014

Jesse’s Story

Jesse at HVAF Jesse’s approach to life is simple; keep moving. The 52-year-old Air Force veteran says he started drinking heavily after his marriage ended and without a job or income he became homeless but his spirits remained high. “Where there seems to be no […]
February 2, 2015

Veteran Provided a “Fresh Start”

Wayne at HVAF For Wayne H., 56, getting out of the credit card hole was not easy. “I made poor choices like purchasing a new car,” says Wayne. “The interest payments became too high and I got way over my head…I basically owed $9,000 on […]
February 2, 2015

Veteran Provided a “Fresh Start”

Wayne at HVAF For Wayne H., 56, getting out of the credit card hole was not easy. “I made poor choices like purchasing a new car,” says Wayne. “The interest payments became too high and I got way over my head…I basically owed $9,000 on […]
February 2, 2015

Blanket Drive for homeless veterans at HVAF

Hadley Family Dentistry will distribute 100 blankets in February to veterans at HVAF as part of its Blanket the City with a Smile Drive. The dental team first learned about HVAF and its needs online.New or existing patients will receive a $10 account credit for […]
February 2, 2015

Homeless veteran receives employment services at HVAF

Michael S., 47, had been looking for work for several months. “My resume was outdated and needed a lot of work and there was time when I didn’t work which created a glaring gap in my resume,” the Army veteran said. Michael is not alone. […]
February 2, 2015

Grant helps HVAF veterans in recovery

In January, the REALTOR® Foundation presented HVAF with a check for $6,000 to support our Residential, Employment, Substance Abuse Treatment (REST) program. REST is a recovery-dynamics based supportive housing program. The program’s goal is to maintain sobriety while obtaining employment and permanent housing while veterans receive […]
February 2, 2015

Grant helps HVAF veterans in recovery

In January, the REALTOR® Foundation presented HVAF with a check for $6,000 to support our Residential, Employment, Substance Abuse Treatment (REST) program. REST is a recovery-dynamics based supportive housing program. The program’s goal is to maintain sobriety while obtaining employment and permanent housing while veterans receive […]