Tony M. couldn’t find a job out of high school so he turned to the Marines. He served from 1983-1987. “To be honest, Rambo was hot, and I wanted to carry a pack and shoot a gun,” Tony said. He faced many physical challenges such […]
Frank S. at work “If you are willing to help yourself, HVAF will help you,” Frank, 52, said. He served in the Marine Corps from June 1983- August 1987. After serving in the military, he received his associate’s and bachelor’s degrees along with several certifications. […]
Tom, 59, served in the Air Force from 1977-81. The California native liked working on airplanes. On October 6, 2006, life as he knew it changed. Tom was hit by a bus on the streets of Indianapolis. He spent 6 months at the VA hospital […]
Join the Knights of Columbus Post #5290 and VFW Post # 7119 and #261 as they raise money and awareness for HVAF. PatriotFest will be held on June 17 at the VFW Post # 7119 on 6535 N. Lee Road from 2 p.m.- 12 a.m. There will […]
Lew at HVAF Lew served in the Air Force from 1986-1990. As a young adult, he was looking for direction in his life and thought what better way than to serve his country. He was a part of the MAC Military Airlift Command. After finishing […]
Schon P. began serving in the Navy in 1988. He always dreamed of traveling to different places and wanted to serve his country. One of Schon’s favorite experiences about being in the military was Basic Training in San Diego. “It was fun, he said. Kind […]
The Indiana Society of Association Executives helped HVAF in a huge way at the end of 2017. For the past 16 years, ISAE has hosted the STAR Awards— an event that celebrates its accomplishments and the people who make that possible. As they do every […]
The Home Depot Foundation has continuously helped us over the last 11 years. Some of the projects include redoing our conference room and transforming our old bunk room to a well-functioning pantry for our outreach hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Last week, the team came out […]
Because we are a non-profit, HVAF has many generous and loving supporters in the community who hold events to give back to the veterans. A delicious deal The most interesting (and delicious) fundraising event? A hoagie eating contest. This past summer, locals participated in […]