HVAF Archives | Page 13 of 27 | HVAF
December 30, 2014

Law firm gives back to veterans at Christmas

Barnes & Thornburg has regularly adopted a family in need at Christmastime. This year, the law firm’s attorneys and employees decided that, in addition to adopting a family, they wanted to provide a happier Christmas for others in Indianapolis. Their thoughts went immediately to the […]
January 2, 2015

Self-portraits of veterans at HVAF

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…or so the saying goes. But, a self-portrait left many homeless veterans speechless. For some, it was a first time posing for a professional photograph. More than a decade had passed since Whitney, 59, and his family […]
February 2, 2015

Veteran Provided a “Fresh Start”

Wayne at HVAF For Wayne H., 56, getting out of the credit card hole was not easy. “I made poor choices like purchasing a new car,” says Wayne. “The interest payments became too high and I got way over my head…I basically owed $9,000 on […]
February 2, 2015

Veteran Provided a “Fresh Start”

Wayne at HVAF For Wayne H., 56, getting out of the credit card hole was not easy. “I made poor choices like purchasing a new car,” says Wayne. “The interest payments became too high and I got way over my head…I basically owed $9,000 on […]
February 2, 2015

Homeless veteran receives employment services at HVAF

Michael S., 47, had been looking for work for several months. “My resume was outdated and needed a lot of work and there was time when I didn’t work which created a glaring gap in my resume,” the Army veteran said. Michael is not alone. […]
February 2, 2015

Grant helps HVAF veterans in recovery

In January, the REALTOR® Foundation presented HVAF with a check for $6,000 to support our Residential, Employment, Substance Abuse Treatment (REST) program. REST is a recovery-dynamics based supportive housing program. The program’s goal is to maintain sobriety while obtaining employment and permanent housing while veterans receive […]
February 2, 2015

Grant helps HVAF veterans in recovery

In January, the REALTOR® Foundation presented HVAF with a check for $6,000 to support our Residential, Employment, Substance Abuse Treatment (REST) program. REST is a recovery-dynamics based supportive housing program. The program’s goal is to maintain sobriety while obtaining employment and permanent housing while veterans receive […]
February 25, 2015

A feeling of abandonment leads to life changes

Whitney at HVAF A graduation from HVAF’s recovery program in March 2015 will serve as a milestone for Whitney of what can happen when a program frees him of his barriers and takes him places he only once imagined. Whitney knew early in life that he […]