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August 27, 2013

Local church members raise money for homeless veterans

We don’t know where we’d be without the thousands of dedicated volunteers we’ve had over the years. From serving meals to holding food and clothing drives, volunteers have been vital in the fight against homelessness, poverty, illness, and despair.  Louise Loyd, HVAF Board Member hands […]
August 27, 2013

Unique Home Solutions commitment to U.S. veterans

On Saturday, November 9 at 4:00 p.m., Unique Home Solutions, one of the largest home remodeling companies in Indiana, will hold a Pig Roast dinner at Sully’s Bar & Grill to benefit HVAF. The Pig Roast is a culmination of a year-long effort and more […]
August 27, 2013

Mentor from past leads veteran to become positive influence

Paul D. Shafer, president of the Packer Collegiate Institute, once said that there is no greater influence for a person than the life of another person worth emulation. James S., 52, U.S. Army veteran, saw this positive influence in the men in uniform who used to visit […]
September 16, 2013

NFL star motivates homeless veterans

It’s not every day that you have a former first round draft pick and three-time NFL Pro-Bowler greet veterans at HVAF of Indiana. On Wednesday, Tarik Glenn, offensive tackle who played for the Indianapolis Colts, shared his on and off-the-field life lessons to more than […]
September 26, 2013

Stand Down helps veterans stand up

Ralph McClury receives items at Stand Down Making his way through crowds of veterans lined up for free haircuts, legal assistance and employment advice, Ralph McClury, a former HVAF client, received services and goods he needed.Ralph McClury, a 59-year-old Army veteran and former HVAF client, […]
September 26, 2013

22nd Heartland Film Festival benefits HVAF

Whether you enjoy running or watching a good film, there are several ways to support HVAF. The Heartland films will benefit HVAF this year. Tickets are available for online purchase now through October 26th. The tickets are $9 per person (online) with $2 going to […]