Events Archives | HVAF
August 1, 2011

Bikers rolled in to support HVAF of Indiana, Inc.

Bikers came from over central Indiana to participate in HVAF’s 3rd annual “Freedom Ride” on Saturday, July 30, 2011, at Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis East. 73 bikers participated in the police escorted “Freedom Ride” which is HVAF’s largest annual fundraiser. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels launched the […]
February 9, 2012

HVAF joins Ranger on last mile to raise awareness for homeless vets

HVAF veterans ran alongside 28-year-old Cpl. Cory Smith, who had just finished a 565-mile bike and run trek in 28 days from Columbus, Ga. to Indianapolis, Ind., in an effort to raise awareness of veteran issues, such as homelessness. Cpl. Smith, who faced his own […]
June 15, 2012

Zach Day hikes Appalachian Trial to benefit homeless veterans

  Zach Day, 26, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, began an adventure of a lifetime — and it’s all for a good cause. He will spend the next five months hiking 2,200 miles of the Appalachian Trail on behalf of the Hoosier Veterans […]
August 27, 2013

Unique Home Solutions commitment to U.S. veterans

On Saturday, November 9 at 4:00 p.m., Unique Home Solutions, one of the largest home remodeling companies in Indiana, will hold a Pig Roast dinner at Sully’s Bar & Grill to benefit HVAF. The Pig Roast is a culmination of a year-long effort and more […]
September 30, 2013

Motorcycle ride through northwest Indianapolis helps veterans

A police escorted group of 40 motorcyclists took a scenic route through the northwest side of Indianapolis on September 28. HVAF thanks the following sponsors for the 5th Annual Freedom Ride: Rolling Thunder, Comm Data, Riders Insurance, Fishers Post 470, Vigilantes, Studio 77, GTECH Indiana, […]
October 31, 2013

IndyCar community to kick-start veterans projects to benefit HVAF

The IndyCar community will honor HVAF veterans this month with a service project that includes hosting several area donation drives (canned good and hygiene items) now through November 9. On November 9, IndyCar crew members and staff will take part in a renovation project at the Jackson […]
November 18, 2013

40,000 Pounds of Giving teams up with HVAF

Bring canned and packaged food to the annual Circle of Lights Celebration downtown on Monument Circle on 11/29 for collection by 40,000 Pounds of Giving for veterans at HVAF. HVAF staffers will be along the Circle to collect your canned food donation. You can also […]
January 20, 2014

Living the MLK legacy with service to homeless veterans

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” Students representing the IUPUI Black Student Union with other volunteers from the university’s Black Faculty and Staff Council will answer that question on the 13th Annual […]
January 27, 2014

Easier job access for veterans

While the country is climbing out of recession, there are a disproportionate number of military veterans still looking for jobs. HVAF has partnered with GTECH Indiana to give formally homeless veterans new and powerful tools as they seek new jobs and opportunities to return to […]