Advocacy Archives | Page 3 of 24 | HVAF
October 31, 2013

Help HVAF welcome veterans like Ken with open arms this fall

When HVAF welcomed Ken N. in August, he had nothing. The U.S. Army veteran let alcohol get the best of him. He went from traveling the world with the Army to working full time at several different jobs to being completely homeless with no food, shelter, or transportation. […]
October 31, 2013

IndyCar community to kick-start veterans projects to benefit HVAF

The IndyCar community will honor HVAF veterans this month with a service project that includes hosting several area donation drives (canned good and hygiene items) now through November 9. On November 9, IndyCar crew members and staff will take part in a renovation project at the Jackson […]
November 1, 2013

HVAF named Simons Bitzer & Associates Contest Winner

We received some exciting news at HVAF! Simons Bitzer & Associates, a locally owned and operated accounting firm in Indianapolis, named HVAF as their winner in their local charity contest. Simons Bitzer was looking for new charities to support and did research on local charities […]
November 1, 2013

Associated Builders and Contractors Renovate Garage at Loyd House

HVAF was fortunate to have contractors from the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) volunteer to remodel the garage at HVAF’s Loyd House. Randen Miller, HVAF’s maintenance director, commented on how valuable this will be. “This will be a much needed improvement for storing donations and […]
November 18, 2013

40,000 Pounds of Giving teams up with HVAF

Bring canned and packaged food to the annual Circle of Lights Celebration downtown on Monument Circle on 11/29 for collection by 40,000 Pounds of Giving for veterans at HVAF. HVAF staffers will be along the Circle to collect your canned food donation. You can also […]
December 30, 2013

A meal makes a difference

For a third year, the Ernie Pyle VFW Post 1120 in Indianapolis served a big Thanksgiving meal for veterans at HVAF. “We are honored to continue this tradition during the holidays,” says Cloyce Cornett, Post Commander. “It makes me feel glad to see the VFW […]
January 14, 2014

HVAF partners with Midwest Food Bank

Oftentimes, veterans come to HVAF with nothing but the clothes on their back and entering a new year is no different. To help, Midwest Food Bank is partnering with HVAF for the first time to supply over 4000 pounds of food and hygiene items once […]
January 20, 2014

Living the MLK legacy with service to homeless veterans

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” Students representing the IUPUI Black Student Union with other volunteers from the university’s Black Faculty and Staff Council will answer that question on the 13th Annual […]