Advocacy Archives | Page 21 of 24 | HVAF
January 31, 2017

Rolls Royce serves up for those who served

Back in December, Chris Cholerton and eight members of the Defense Leadership Team for Rolls Royce took time out of their meeting schedule in Indy to undertake a community service project.   The Team chose to help HVAF and prepared a meal for the residents of […]
January 31, 2017

American Legion gives back to HVAF

HVAF is appreciative for the commitment of the American Legion Auxiliary to our homeless veterans.  Rita Ellis, American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) 7th District President, visited HVAF in early November. She shared what she learned about HVAF with the ALA Presidents in the 7th District including […]
January 31, 2017

Homeless veteran serves others

Cindy was based at Coronado Island from 1978-1982 while serving in the US Army. She has been volunteering at HVAF for five months. She enjoys passing out food and hygiene items to the veterans we serve. Cindy would feel depressed and sad if it wasn’t […]
January 31, 2017

Volunteer uses life struggles to give back to homeless veterans

After volunteering in HVAF’s clothing pantry, Karen Thomas, an Army veteran, saw the need to raise the clothing racks higher off the ground to allow for more clothes to be stacked. She asked her husband, Bill, for help her with the project and together they purchased the […]
January 31, 2017

Homeless veteran moves into his own home

Eric B. was in the United States Army Reserves from 1983- 1987. He worked as a combat engineer doing construction type projects. Eric lost his apartment and couch surfed at family members’ homes for 8 months.  He was addicted to cocaine and completed the detox […]
February 24, 2017

Army veteran finds hope at HVAF through housing assistance

“Serving for your country is honorable,” said Mark, 54. He served in the Army from November 1985- May 1987. Mark, who is from Gary, Indiana, knew the economy was stagnant and felt like his best option was to go into the military. The military taught […]
March 24, 2017

HVAF Case Manager connects veteran with services

“I’ve always been the type of person who wanted acceptance to make sure people were taken care of,” Ellen M. said. She served in the Army from 1990- 2013. Ellen wanted to be a part of something bigger than herself—the military.  She was looking for […]
March 24, 2017

Bike donation helps homeless veteran at HVAF

When C.W. was asked about receiving his bike, his eyes lit up. The Army veteran rides his bike to and from Denison Parking where he works. The bike has given C.W. more than he could have ever imagined: freedom and health. C.W. finally feels a […]