Advocacy Archives | Page 11 of 24 | HVAF
December 30, 2014

Formerly homeless veteran’s cooking inspiration

Those years of service as a US Navy cook are still at the top of Pamela’s mind, and decades later the 56-year-old is back at it cooking meals for family and friends. In her spare time she enjoys dishing up fried chicken and fried potatoes […]
January 2, 2015

Self-portraits of veterans at HVAF

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…or so the saying goes. But, a self-portrait left many homeless veterans speechless. For some, it was a first time posing for a professional photograph. More than a decade had passed since Whitney, 59, and his family […]
February 2, 2015

Veteran Provided a “Fresh Start”

Wayne at HVAF For Wayne H., 56, getting out of the credit card hole was not easy. “I made poor choices like purchasing a new car,” says Wayne. “The interest payments became too high and I got way over my head…I basically owed $9,000 on […]
February 2, 2015

Veteran Provided a “Fresh Start”

Wayne at HVAF For Wayne H., 56, getting out of the credit card hole was not easy. “I made poor choices like purchasing a new car,” says Wayne. “The interest payments became too high and I got way over my head…I basically owed $9,000 on […]
February 2, 2015

Blanket Drive for homeless veterans at HVAF

Hadley Family Dentistry will distribute 100 blankets in February to veterans at HVAF as part of its Blanket the City with a Smile Drive. The dental team first learned about HVAF and its needs online.New or existing patients will receive a $10 account credit for […]
February 2, 2015

Homeless veteran receives employment services at HVAF

Michael S., 47, had been looking for work for several months. “My resume was outdated and needed a lot of work and there was time when I didn’t work which created a glaring gap in my resume,” the Army veteran said. Michael is not alone. […]
February 2, 2015

Grant helps HVAF veterans in recovery

In January, the REALTOR® Foundation presented HVAF with a check for $6,000 to support our Residential, Employment, Substance Abuse Treatment (REST) program. REST is a recovery-dynamics based supportive housing program. The program’s goal is to maintain sobriety while obtaining employment and permanent housing while veterans receive […]
February 2, 2015

Grant helps HVAF veterans in recovery

In January, the REALTOR® Foundation presented HVAF with a check for $6,000 to support our Residential, Employment, Substance Abuse Treatment (REST) program. REST is a recovery-dynamics based supportive housing program. The program’s goal is to maintain sobriety while obtaining employment and permanent housing while veterans receive […]
February 25, 2015

A feeling of abandonment leads to life changes

Whitney at HVAF A graduation from HVAF’s recovery program in March 2015 will serve as a milestone for Whitney of what can happen when a program frees him of his barriers and takes him places he only once imagined. Whitney knew early in life that he […]