Lauren Carpenter, Author at HVAF | Page 24 of 34
April 24, 2023

Increased grocery store prices lead to increased pantry visits at HVAF

According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), food prices rose by 11% between August 2021 and August 2022 and are expected to increase another 8% this year! HVAF is seeing this increased need firsthand, with an increase in visits to the food pantry month over month. […]
May 1, 2023

Al and Mike seek mental health assistance from HVAF Therapist Kascha

Did you know HVAF has a full-time therapist? HVAF strives to provide essential wrap-around services for Hoosier Heroes in need – including mental health services. Mental health assistance for veterans is vital. The Veterans Crisis Line, managed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, reported a […]
May 26, 2023

HVAF’s Peer Mentor has helped Army veteran achieve sobriety

At first, drinking alcohol was just a fun, social thing for Army National Guard and Army veteran Steve. “When I got overseas, I went to Korea, I really started doing drugs heavy,” Steve said. “They had all kinds of drugs, you name it, they had […]
June 12, 2023

Music at the Memorial raises $40k+ for HVAF’s veterans!

As a way to celebrate 30 years of serving homeless & at-risk veterans in Central Indiana, HVAF hosted its one-night-only Music at the Memorial concert. The event seemed to tug on the heartstrings – and guitar strings – of many as we raised more than […]
June 13, 2023

National Guard veteran can hear for the first time in a long time!

Enrolling in VetWorks Last summer, Army National Guard veteran Michael noticed people in high-vis shirts sweeping the streets of Downtown Indianapolis. They told him they worked as Street Ambassadors for Downtown Indy, Inc. through HVAF’s VetWorks (Veterans Workforce Renewing Knowledge and Skills) program. As a […]
June 14, 2023

Message from the CEO: Our Statement for the House Veterans Affairs Committee

HVAF is currently adjusting to a decrease in VA funding resulting in $60,000 less a month for transitional housing for homeless veterans. Budget cuts and adjustments have been made while hopes remain high that Congress will reverse the decrease in the coming weeks. HVAF CEO […]
June 15, 2023

Engaging with Andrea: June is PTSD Awareness Month

Originally published in June 2023. June is PTSD Awareness Month. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is well known today, and most are familiar with it. However, it wasn’t long ago this was not a well-known diagnosis. Veterans returning from other wars were often left to […]