Friends & Auxiliary members volunteer together
June 1, 2021Meet HVAF’s first-ever therapist!
June 3, 2021Check out our veterans’ vision boards!
According to Veterans Affairs, 1.7 million Veterans received treatment in a VA mental health specialty program in 2018.
And we know many of the veterans we serve here in Indianapolis battle mental health challenges every single day. At HVAF, we are making strides to address this, such as recently hiring a full-time therapist for our residents and growing gardens for our housed veterans to take care of and take from.
Another program we have is an art therapy group, led by Clinical Case Manager Jaulane.
“The veterans can use art therapy as a tool to explore their feelings,” Jaulane said. “It’s not really about the product that’s produced – it’s about the navigation and the exploration. There are no wrongs or rights.”
The group is about to start its second year, and the veterans are very excited to get started again! One of their favorite projects last year was creating vision boards which you can check out below:
Army Veteran Robert
I’m very thankful for these therapy classes. Each one is helping me to find me.”
Robert decided to join HVAF’s Art Therapy program last summer so he could have a creative outlet. Check out what his future plans and dreams are!
Army Veteran Charles
“Art therapy helps me relax and gives me something to do. The pictures I drew started giving me meaning.”
After moving into one of HVAF’s housing properties, Charles’ case manager encouraged him to join the art therapy group she leads. His favorite project was creating this vision board. Check it out!
Army Veteran Eric
“You have no idea how much this vision board means to me. I was an absentee father… since being here last September, I have seen all of my children and grandchildren!”
Army veteran Eric joined HVAF’s art therapy program last year – and had no idea how one vision board would change his life. Check it out!