#12VetsOfChristmas Day Eleven: Navy Veteran Bianca
December 20, 2021
Meet Team HVAF: CEO Emmy Hildebrand
January 10, 2022#12VetsOfChristmas Day Twelve: Army Veteran Michael S

This story is part of HVAF’s annual tradition: 12 Vets of Christmas, where each day we are featuring a veteran whose life has been positively changed because of the essential services and programs HVAF provided in 2021.
“If it weren’t for this place, I probably wouldn’t be where I am at now.”
After years of drugs and alcohol, Army veteran Michael S. knew he needed to make a change. A few years ago, while working at the Living Room Lounge, a fellow veteran told him about an organization a few blocks away that could help him: HVAF.
As a way to check the organization out, he began volunteering in the food and clothing pantry. There, he met and formed connections with a few case managers. They told him about the ways HVAF could help him, including employment. After an employment specialist helped him create his resume, he decided to attend one of HVAF’s job fairs.
“In my first interview, I got hired!”
He is employed at Toyota – where he works 12-hour night shifts. He says he plans to retire there.
Although he cannot volunteer as much as he used to due to his job, Michael still keeps in contact with some of the employees. He said it’s like a family here. In addition to employment, Michael has received help with legal support and getting essential items in HVAF’s food, clothing, and hygiene pantry. His next step is to buy a home.
Michael knows HVAF couldn’t help him without donors’ support.
“I truly appreciate what (donors) do for us. Without them, there’s no telling what we would be doing,” Michael said. “And I thank them and to continue to keep doing it, because there’s some people who want to do right and need the help. You can’t do it by yourself sometimes.”
YOUR continued support ensures that other veterans like Michael receive the life-changing help they need. Will you make a tax-deductible donation today to support those veterans?